Tuesday, March 08, 2005

International Womans day...

...is today. Go girls!

Soooo...what are we supposed to do with this, shouldn't we get a day off or something, or free manicures for every woman...or better, free shoes!

Is there an international mans day?? Probably not why should men get whole day to themselves?? (just being sarcastic, no need to send vicious emails)

To celebrate I think I'll buy a couch! Lori, put in those french doors!!!


shari said...

free boots!!! wooooo!!!

I think I will celebrate with some chocolate and ummm.... maybe I should punch out some walls. Think my new landlord would mind as prepares to sell MY house?

Kristi said...

Feeling a bit bitter Muck?!?

International womens Day

I feel like I should have known this when I got up not when I'm going to bed!
WEll I'll try to do something outlandish and womanly Kristi tomorrow!!
If I remember.
Did anyone else lose their memories after being with fetus????

cari said...

I lost more than just my memory....where'd that cute butt go??