Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Amazing what a coat of paint can do....
I picked an assortment of warm browns and creamy yellows for the walls in my new trailer. But after painting I was quite disappointed, it was looking a little less than inviting. I tried changing the light fixture, that didn't help, I put up a picture to take the focus off the walls, that didn't work.
So I painted the oak firplace, wouldn't you know it...I love the wall color!


Anonymous said...

Hey Carolyn, I hope the new place is good. If you reach me by this Saturday I'll come see it, cause I'm in BC till Sunday. Came out for a wedding.
feel free to contact me, if we don't connect before I leave, I'll take a rain check for the next time I'm out. Greg Schroeder

cari said...

Hi greg...just noticed your comment. not sure when you left it, sorry.
Hope you had a good trip!