Friday, November 10, 2006

more about my fridge...

I made Andrew KD for dinner.
He didn't eat much of it, and I wasn't about to touch the stuff.

Andrew hates leftover KD and I don't blame him.
But I couldn't bring myself to throw away 3/4 of a box of perfectly good KD. So I sealed it in some tupperware and put it in the fridge.
I know full well that it won't get eaten.
So I'm waiting until it goes bad, then I'll throw it out and it won't seem like such a waste.

I'm wondering how many of us have tupperware filled with stuff we should have just gotten rid of in the first place, but instead are just letting them rot.....


Anonymous said...

hmmmm. that sounds vaguely philosophical. deep thoughts by cari...does this come in a card?


Michelle said...

Many many of us....

Scott said...

of course, then some of us just make spaghetti sauce, leave it without a lid in the fridge, and use it for 7 months. i'm speaking hypothetically of course...

Forgiven said...

don't they make pencillin from the green stuff?

Sue said...

I'm putting off emptying my deep freeze after 6 days with no power. Some one said to let it all freeze again but then another person pointed out that I'm going to have to chip things out of there if they were one big soggy mess when it refroze. I'M AFRAID!