Wednesday, January 18, 2006

fridges can be very personal things.
when friends come over we tell them "help yourself to anything in the fridge", but that is usually followed by, "except the casserole in the blue container, it's a little old. Oh and don't eat the yogurt, it's expired. The broccoli in the white dish is fine, but I wouldn't eat the stuff with the green lid...."
On the surface everything in the fridge looks edible, but I know what lurks in the depths of the tupperwear. We keep inventory of the good and bad.

Just like life, we invite friends in and open the door "help yourself." but.... "don't go near that container of jelousy. That lefteover hate isn't looking so good anymore. And I wouldn't touch that expired bitterness......."

Maybe we should let our friends in, to see our moldy cheese.........


Susan Kirchmayer said...

what exactly is in your fridge?

Michelle said...

But I don't want people to look in my fridge...

Makes me think.

shari said...

But I have been saving that moldy cheese for years and years.

Susan Kirchmayer said...

and what if your fridge has no moldy stuff, and is neatly cleaned and organized - everything in its place??????

kelly ens said...

Very interesting thought, i must say.
i also felt the compulsion to comment because the word verification was "kjmshit"

cari said...

sometimes you just have to respond to the kjmshit you find on the internet....

Lee said...

wow. what a great analogy!

Sue said...

susan, that would say that you are anal! (said with the greatest affection of course.)

Lee said...

strange thing today, I picked out of a pic of my boy to print, and walked away to do something, and came back to like 10 pages of your December bloggage, printed out!! How bizzarre.

cari said...

very weird.....