Sunday, July 09, 2006

Hello Mama, Hello Pama, here I am at, the great camp Squeah.....

I just dropped the monster of for his first week ever of summer camp!
I spent 11 summers there and am so excited that now it's Andrew's turn!


Anonymous said...

This picture brings back wonderful memories. Our kids loved this camp, and as parents we just loved the songs and service at the end of the week.

cari said...

I was talking with one of Donna's counsellors today, her name is Jen and she said to say a big hello to her! and she added "oh, Donna, Oh Donna...."

Peter said...

Andrew seems to be looking a lot older now that he is 6.

Susan Kirchmayer said...

i think you are more excited than andrew!!!!

shari said...

i loved camp squeah... i would have loved for my kids to have gone there as well, but alas, the opportunity has not arisen.

kelly ens said...

HEY! We have the old "Cedar" sign hanging in our house! hilarious :)