Saturday, February 10, 2007


it's over.....


Alvin & Denise Engler said...


Alvin & Denise Engler said...

you waxed your legs?

cari said... the wedding!

Lee said...

that is not a nice post when I am waitng for the details and the pics of all you girlies...
I am so patiently waiting for pictures of you guys in your dresses!
Franlky - I cant believe you haven't yet.
Hurry up!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Lee...we haven't heard from you in weeks, you've seemingly disappeared off the face of the earth, your patient friends are gracious and give you the benefit of the doubt, and all you can say is "whewwww"!?!?!? I personally think you owe us here, girly!


Susan Kirchmayer said...

my thots exactly, carolyn