Saturday, September 24, 2005

Kelly tagged me...

Ten Random Things About Me:
1. I live in a garage (but not for long!)
2. my bra and underwear do not always match (shocking, how can I call myself a member of this family?)
3. I love airports
4. my favourite thing to do in the evening is climb under a big pile of blankets and watch the Amazing Race.
5. I can't see my kitchen counter b/c I haven't done dishes in 5 days (or maybe more...)
6. Sometimes I can be a little too honest.
7. I once got suspended from school
8. I have a weakness for purses and bags
9. At this moment I am eating a chocolate brownie for breakfast :)
10. I have my father's sense of humour and my mother's stubborness

Nine Places I've Visited:
1. Costa Rica
2. Barkerville
3. Hawaii
4. Campbell, California
5. Sechelt
6. Winnipeg
7. Cannon Beach , Oregon
8. Houston, Texas (well, just the airport)
9. Calgary

Eight Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. Go to Africa
2. Go to Egypt
3. Go to Asia
4. take a train ride through the Rockies
5. learn to swim
6. open my own little shop
7. hmmm....that's all I can think of.

Seven Ways To Win My Heart:
1. Accept me for who I am (with all my bad habits and dirty dishes)
2. respect me
3. listen to me
4. Put up with me when I'm grumpy
5. Encourage me
6. Be respectful to others
7. You can never go wrong with chocolate

Six Things I Believe In:
1. God
2. Forgiveness
3. The earth is round
4. I have the best kid ever!
5. True friends always stick around
6. Life begins at conception

Five Things I'm Afraid Of:
1. not being in control
2. Andrew getting hurt
3. snakes
4. heights
5. the unknown - although I'm also kindof intrigued by that as well.....

Four of My Favorite Things in the Bedroom:
1. my bed - so comfy!
2. the picture of Andrew on my wall
3. the headboard I made
4. (that's really all that's in my room)

Three Things I Do Everyday:
1. brush my teeth
2. eat breakfast
3. go to bed

Two Things I Hate:
1. dishonesty, disrespect
2. mushrooms

One person I want to see right now:


kelly ens said...

right on - thanks for playing along, and letting me get to know you a bit more :)

James Goudie said...

at least you share things in common with sushi in the ropa interior category

Susan Kirchmayer said...

she can't belong to my family!! we have to match....

James Goudie said...

i've been thinking. i think if i had to wear a bra and underwear. mine would match

cute would be a bonus

Michelle said...

HaHa-James, you could if you REALLY wanted to. It would definatly be cute!!lol