You know when you are in a relationship, and it's pretty good, you can't really complain, but you know in your heart it's just not right. You find you have to talk yourself into staying there b/c it's not really a bad thing?
That's how I feel about my job. It's a good job, can't really complain...
But it's just not right.
So..I have taken a HUGE leap.
I have applied to Langara. For a media design program.
I have an interview there on Thursday. And it could turn out to be nothing. Or maybe it won't. Maybe it will open so many doors. Or maybe I'll fall flat on my face.
But I have to try.
So I may need a place to live and for all you Vancouverites...put out the word.... Here I come!!
(aside to Darla - I thought they would use a gun, like they do with ears......)
cool, you will do awesome.
What did yah get pierced......
what did you pierce?? lol
Good luck. I hope this is a door that is meant to be open for you. You deserve it.
are you taking andrew away???
No gun for that. Hahahaha. I bet you were a little startled. But good on ya for taking a leap of faith. I know how frightening it is. I got accepted into nursing when my son was a year old and I was like, "what the? Now what do I do?" Just remember that if you get in, there will be some times when piercing your nose 43 more times will be more appealing than finishing the assignment on time. But there will also be times you'll laugh so hard you can't imagine being anywhere else. Way to go! Cheering you on.
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