Monday, April 16, 2007

While in the mall....

I almost ran over a squirrel in the underground parking, he was finishing off someone's fries.

I almost got run over by a 3yr old riding her bike to the food court (full on two wheeler with training wheels, helmut and all....seriously, who lets there kid ride their bike IN the mall?)

The girl in the dollarstore called me sweetie, I looked around to make sure she was talking to me, she was. She then called the 80yr old lady behind me "hun". The girl had to have been 19. It was weird.


Becoming Human said...

okay, you're right - you have no life :-) pretty blog, though! I guess you'll need a cool place to show off all of your new found skills!

James Goudie said...

maybe the squirrel was so freaked out that he wanted to get back at you so he communicated with the 3yr girl to scare you the same way you scared the squirrel.

shari said...

bike riding in the mall? some people really have no common sense at all.

so what is current status on moving/selling/staying?

Susan Kirchmayer said...

yeah - i'd sure like to know.