Saturday, June 03, 2006

Beating the train....

Everyone around here knows that when you leave the Junction and head into the industrial area, if there's a train you have to make a quick decision. Wait it out or pull the U-turn. I almost always go for the U-turn.
Which is exactly what I did yesterday.
I made my way through town feeling pretty pleased with myself that I had beaten the train and the other poor shlubs were still waiting for it to end. I pulled up alongside the train down on railway ave, and proceeded to merge onto the highway. It was at this point I realized I would have to cross this train again to make it to the trailer park. I really hadn't beaten the train at all.
As I continued down the highway I managed to get a head of the engine. I knew then it could actually be doable. I sped up. I could beat the train.
I was feeling pretty confident until traffic began to slow. As we rounded the corner I could see a guy in an H3 doing 60 on the highway. Cars were backing up behind him. I kept checking the rearview mirror, the train was catching up, did no one notice this but me? Go! Go! Pass the guy, do something! The train is catching up!
The lights began flashing at every side road I passed. The arms lowered at every crossing. Not a good sign. Seriously people, look in your mirrors!!!
We rounded the corner, the arms came down in front of the H3.
I didn't beat the train.

You can never avoid the inevitable, only delay it a while.


liz said...

ask our father about his latest run in with a train and a brake pedal that went right to the floor.

Lee said...

good post, i love to read your blog. hey, ben has ear surgery in the am, i hope you don't think i am walking. oops, i just thot of that. sorry, i should a phoned. if i had your # that is.

cari said...
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cari said...

no worries, good thing I checked my blog this morning though! Will you be available tommorrow or should I make other arrangements? Hope the surgery goes well!

Susan Kirchmayer said...

i like that "you can't delay the inevitable'......

Lee said...

tommorows good, and so is all the days this week.