Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I just told Andrew to go get his little stool so we could eat dinner in living room tonight. I followed that by saying, "or we could eat at the kitchen table like normal people"
He replied "We're not normal!"


Michelle said...


None of us are!!

Susan Kirchmayer said...

of course we aren't. we all live together in a trailer park!! how normal is that?????

shari said...

lol... ya, well who wants to be "normal"?

Anonymous said...

He's right, The world is so messed up, that which is considered "normal" does not seem like something to strive for. I get offended if people call me normal. Call me wierd and I say thank you. Furthermore, Websters defines Wierd as "Unearthly" Praise God, yes I am wierd!!!