Thursday, January 13, 2005

You know you are having a bad day when...

the realtor is coming to take pictures of the house and you drive your truck through the post of the carport. I'm not sure my day could get much worse...oh, wait.....The truck I was going to trade in for a cheaper vehicle now has $3000 worth of damage and has significantly dropped in value....and my insurance premiums have now significantly gone up! Good times :P Maybe I'll lose my job tommorrow......


Jenn said...

At least Gary duct taped your bumper back on so you can drive it.

Susan Kirchmayer said...

and you do have a father who can fix your post.

cari said...

never underestimate the power of duct tape!
Andrew likes the new look of the carport - he suggested I do it again so that when he is on his Dad's shoulder's he wouldn't have to duck!

liz said... why????? but mostly how?????

cari said...

not sure exactly, foot slipped off brake, truck hit post.....

Anonymous said...

when all else fails we can rely on duct tape!