Monday, November 15, 2004


So here's my question today - I would love to know what everyone thinks.
Years ago I had a conversation with someone who worked at camp with me, he asked why I had come to camp to work that summer and I replied that God had lead me there, he had opened doors and made it clear that I was supposed to be there. He had a different opinion (imagine, 2 christians with differing opinions, shocking really) He felt that we made our own desicions and that if we were obedient God would honour us in the path that we chose. So...which is it...does God determine our path and there is really only 2 choices, God's way or our way. Or are there many paths that are okay for us to choose from and God will be faithful if we love him, no matter which way we decide to go?


Susan Kirchmayer said...

actually i have a good book for you to read. i'll get it for you.

Annette said...

Cari, that's a huge question to fit comments on a blog, but an insightful question. Maybe the answer is that it's a bit of both, depending what the situation has been? Sometimes God has clearly led me to something, and other times has been silent and I have made a decision based on my ability to reason. Prayer has been present in both examples. Years ago I read a book called Decision Making in the Will of God. It gives an interesting perspective on the topic. It may or may not be the book your mom is recommending.
This is an age-old discussion held by theologians world-wide. We can only hope for a glimpse of God's infinite wisdom and answers this side of heaven.

Sue said...

good question!.... and a good book to help you answer it

Anonymous said...

everyone has a book for every question. can no one just say their opinion? I think it's #2.


lori said...

My opinion is I don't care about opinions, I care about truth. Do whatever you need to find it...

Susan Kirchmayer said...

you're right lori. if God chooses not to give us clear direction, we must choose which path to take. our decision must not contradict the Word of God - which is true. prayer, scripture, counsel from others - all should line up with God's truth. we make it too complicated!!

MUD said...

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."
Isaiah 30:21


lori said...

you're right Rob, ' He gives and cakes away...'

Susan Kirchmayer said...

you can't have your cake and eat it too.

Susy said...

how this for an answer:
(notice the period...
i'd go on to expalin why, but it might take pages... it's all sorted out in my head, but i just don't feel confident enough to explain it intelligently)
but what the heck here's a slight attempt:
no matter which way we decide to go God is always faithful.
there are two ways, as you said... God's way and our way. but does that mean that God only has one plan for our lives? i think not. i think if we keep God in first place no matter what we choose to do with our life he is pleased with us. but i also don't think that if we blow it on the first round that we will be subjected to God's plan B for our lives... what kind of God would that make Him

cari said...

i think you articulated that very well!